Thursday, November 8, 2012


Fri. Day 26 end of week 4!

Made it an entire month just about! Hubby and I both are working thru the struggles and emotions daily together. Every day brings something new and I never know what to expect when he walks in the door.  We're semi getting used to the long hours and change in the household.  Our kids, mainly the boy is giving us a lot of trouble right now.  Really acting up, throwing fits in public and even pooping his pants (he's not yet in Kindergarten, but too old to be doing this!)  I am struggling big time at home with the kids and happy to go to work some days.  I am holding it all together- but by a string. I even left $100 CASH in the ATM the other day just walked away from it,  like an idiot!! Too many things on my mind and on my plate.   To make things more stressful I am preparing to attend my brothers wedding next week.  I'll be traveling and going to the wedding with the kids ALONE.  Some of you moms(especially Military families) laugh and say- oh please I do it all the time! Well I DO NOT.  The hubby and I are a heck of a team- I mean I couldn't have picked a better father for my kids. I count on him so so much for help- he is amazing. AND to make this next week a little bit harder they made him Platoon Leader today for all of next week! At first, I say that's great babe, congrats!! And he says uhhh no, it's going to make for a very hard long week. I am thinking- hasn't it already been a hard very long last 4 weeks?!?! 
Right now though  I am just  happy for the weekend -because he's home with us and all weekend. Sure he'll be studying, working on homework, shinning boots, ironing his uniform for next week, preparing for the Platoon Leader spot but he'll be HOME with us all weekend. We are so happy (me and the kids!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just read through your posts, and as the wife of a brand new cop who graduated from the academy just 6 weeks ago, everything you say is so familiar!! No easy way around it, the academy is hard. Sometimes just the academy day itself was 12 hours long or more and my hubby had to commute an hour and a half each way. It sounds like you're doing everything you can to support him so you deserve a pat on the back! Hang in are definitely not alone. :)
