Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Focusing on the NOW

Here we are at week 17! That means only 11 more to go! While I am happy it's moving along I start to think about the job and all it has to offer both negative and positive. With all those thoughts in my head I am having to learn to take things one day at a time.  A few great girlfriends gave me some good advise: don't worry so much about how things are going to be? if I can handle "the job"? how will the kids handle it? how will hubby handle it? what about the long hours? is he going to stay with this agency? if so how long? maybe we can move closer to his work? what hours will he have? I could go on all night long! ...The fact is, none of that matters right now! So I am working towards not thinking so much about the future and focus on the now.  This for me is a real learning experience. 
 So speaking of right now; we are doing very well actually. Hubby feels good about the job and how well he's doing at the academy, as do I (most of the time).  This week Hubby's hours are 2:30PM-11PM, this means he'll get home about 12:30am. I look at this as a test for the weird hours he'll have when he's a sworn officer. Tonight is the first night. It was nice this morning because he stopped in at his old job first thing(he's been wanting to stop in and say hello to the guys, plus he's kinda nosy so he's probably just itchin to know what's goin on over there) then he got to take the kids to school and stopped by my office for a short visit on his way out. Tomorrow I am off, so I am hoping to have a gym and coffee date with him before he leaves.  Although me and the kids will miss him in the evenings at dinner and story time I don't think I'll mind this schedule too much. This past weekend we had a wonderful time at the beach and really spent good quality time together. I've read in other Blogs about making the most of the time when he is off and at home. We did exactly that over this holiday weekend and will again this coming weekend.  
 Hubby and I are both learning a lot these days and for that I am grateful. Six months is a long time, but I feel it is the necessary time to prepare a family for such a job. I look forward to graduation day when hubby, me, the kids, our families and our friends can celebrate such an accomplishment, because it has sure taken a VILLAGE to get us through these first 17 weeks.... here's to the next 11!

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