Monday, May 20, 2013

It's not that fact it's been great!

We're on week 3 of hubby's JTO -the agency he started at he'll need to be in the jail for some time before he can go out on patrol.  He seems happy with it, catching on quickly, already saved a person's life (day 3- I think I've heard the story 10 times now! haha)   the traffic situation is better because of the shift times, no longer being a recruit is pretty awesome and meeting lots of other deputy's too.  He has a story or two every day for me- he's very excited every time he talks about it. Some funny and entertaining, some not so much.  I was a little worried at first that being in a jail for 12+ hours would get to him, because he always has worked OUTside.  He says that he goes outside from time to time and it's so busy that he doesn't get much time to think about it anyway.  I realize too though right now it's all exciting and new! So we'll see what time brings. 

  The kids and I love the schedule so far. We're loving him home during the week for school functions, school drop off and pick ups and me because he cooks dinner again, he can drop in my office to say hello and is home when I come home for lunch.  Him and I even snuck away on a Thursday afternoon for some wine tasting and dinner. He does have to do 3 days of a night shift during this JTO, which was weird and very hard to adjust too, but ended up being a short week so we only had to deal with it for 3 nights. Feeling grateful it was so short because that is my least favorite shift. Even with a dog, home alarm and gun I just don't sleep well when he's not here. (I am sure I am not alone in this, fellow LEW)

  We thought he had his real schedule, but turns out they are moving people all around so at this point still no idea what his real schedule will be at the end of the 5 week JTO.   Hoping we'll have it this week and hoping he'll get what he's been on for most of the JTO. Again- he's the newbie so whatever we get is what we get. No complaining! 

At this point I am OK.  I have some ups and downs with the job, worrying and not sleeping well when he's gone at night, I'm adjusting to not speaking to him for 12+ hours at a time - new for us. But then again, I am ok on my own- for a little while that is.  I have great friends and family for support and plenty to keep me busy both at work and at home. 

 So I guess what I am saying is, it's not that bad..... in fact it's been great!